Marc Lande
Joined: Mar 25, 2020
Hi, from DC Metro area, I am a 46 year old die hard fan of the Washington Redskins, Washington Wizards, Washington Capitals and New York Yankees. My dad brought his Yankee love with him as a 1950s Rockaway beach native. Bell Harbor, holidays in Long Island, Yankees stadium only an early morning start to get to as a child. Heck, DC did not have a baseball team in the 1970s and 1980s. At the same time, dad got us season tickets for the Redskins when the Senators long before my birth. We were part of the fan base for the best NBA team ever, the 1978-1979 Washington Bullets. And finally felt like winners with the Capitals.I have written articles for many of the local newspapers including the Gazette newspapers, Montgomery Journal and Sentinel newspapers.I also have been playing with a recreation baseball team for the past 10+ years and played rugby for 6 seasons at Guilford College in the early 1990s.