J Howard Giddings
Joined: May 12, 2009
I am a life-long Redskins’ fan and season ticket holder. I was born in DC, and was raised in Prince Georges County, Maryland. I presently work in Memphis, TN as a Senior Quality Assurance Manager. My passion, next to rooting vehemently for the Redskins, is writing. In pursuit of that passion, I’ve attended screen writing workshops taught by the venerable Mr. John Truby and Ms. Christine DeSmet of the University of Wisconsin. I’m currently working on a scifi-fantasy novel aimed at teens which emphasizes the concept that your word is your bond.Other than rooting for the ‘Skins, my leisure interests include music, golf, billiards, blackjack, and traveling. My educational interests include The Holy Bible, information technology, and American Indian history. My dream job would be to write both fiction and non-fiction as I travel around the world.