What are some potential scenarios facing the offensive linemen expected to make the Washington Commanders roster in 2023?
I recently wrote a series of pieces comparing the Washington Commanders' position groups to the rest of the NFC East. I got a lot of comments from people (mostly Dallas Cowboys fans) along these lines: “You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”
Then there would typically be a line about how Matt Waletzko was destined for Canton and a remark about my parentage. All in all, pretty much par for the course.
I won’t try to go into lots of detail on other teams. I admit that I only see them from a distant, outsider perspective. But I do watch the Commanders - a lot. So today, I’ll begin the annual best/worst/realistic expectation series of the various position groups.
We’ll begin with the most important group on the roster this year apart from quarterback – which is always the most important group on any NFL roster, regardless of the year. The offensive line.
The Commanders last won the NFC East in 2020, largely on the differential between their offensive line and the rest. That season, both the Philadelphia Eagles and Dallas suffered debilitating injuries across their protection, and the New York Giants were just plain awful.
Now, the Eagles and the Cowboys are relatively healthy and the Giants have completely rebuilt. The Commanders, meanwhile, have allowed their offensive line to deteriorate.
Washington is now decidedly behind the other teams in the NFC East. If this year’s edition can begin to show improvement, that will go a long way toward making the Commanders competitive.
So what are the realistic expectations for this year’s line, as currently constructed. We’ll go alphabetically: