The Over-Achiever – Peyton Barber
Peyton Barber is decidedly not fun. He’s boring. He runs for about two yards every time he touches the ball. Cameron Heyward could be in the hole. Two yards. Cameron Diaz could be in the hole. Two yards. It is as boring as it gets. But in a league where contests turn on fourth-and-ones or goal line plunges, getting those two yards can win you games.
Barber was a huge long-shot to make the team last season. But he was there for every game. He will be a long-shot this season. But do not count him out. It’s true he doesn’t catch the ball very well. And though he’s a good blocker, Washington will use bigger tight ends like Deon Yelder or Sammis Reyes if they want to employ a lead blocking back.
If Gibson ever needs a long-term replacement, you’d much prefer a more dynamic runner than Barber. But he will play special teams and he will get you those two yards when you need them. And that might be enough. And at 27, he is still three years younger than…