Harmon — gone. Hall — gone. Latimer — gone. At least for the foreseeable future. The thin, inexperienced receiving corps of the Washington Football Team just got thinner and less experienced.
Other writers have opined on who might be waiting out there to ride to the rescue — be it players already on the roster, or players available via free agency or trade.
Here’s my best guess: There is no one.
At least, no one who is currently available who will help the Washington football team in any kind of meaningful way. But never fear. All is not lost. All is never lost.
But before we get to that, let me clear up this one thing. I have now typed “Washington Football Team” once, and I can honestly say, I’m done with it. Life’s too short, and it’s too boring. So from now on, I’m typing WFT, as in, “man, the WTF situation at receiver is hovering around DEFCON 2. Terry McLaurin pulls a hammy and we go to DEFCON 1.” I may get overridden on this particular editorial flourish, but for now — Hail to the WFT.
(Editor’s Note: For purposes of search engine optimization, we have to include “Washington football” a few more times. So: Washington football, Washington football, Washington football, Washington football. Aight, all good. Carry on, Jonathan.)