Why Matthew Stafford is the perfect QB for the Washington Football Team

Detroit Lions QB Matthew Stafford. (via Detroit Free Press)
Detroit Lions QB Matthew Stafford. (via Detroit Free Press) /
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Washington Football Team helmet. (Photo by Rob Carr/Getty Images)
Washington Football Team helmet. (Photo by Rob Carr/Getty Images) /

Is Washington a viable candidate?

Yes. I believe Washington is. For starters, Washington has an abundance of cap space. They currently have around $35 million in cap space. They are expected to add on an additional $15 million in cap space, that rolls over from last year. That puts Washington at about $50 million in cap space.

As tough as it also may be, Washington can release Alex Smith and save around $13.5 million in cap space. He could also just retire outright and take his contract off Washington’s books.

It is needless to say that Washington can take on Matthew Stafford. They can even work out an extension that lowers the $33 million cap hit for Stafford in 2021.

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Does Washington’s draft capital compete with other teams? I think they do, especially considering they have the extra San Francisco third-round pick.

Some other teams I expect to be viable candidates are the Broncos, 49ers, Patriots, and Colts. Washington has a higher pick than the Colts. The Broncos and 49ers may find it too steep of a price to give up the ninth (Denver) or 12th (San Francisco) pick for Stafford. Especially considering they both have quarterbacks that they either are still attempting to develop in Drew Lock or another viable starting option in Jimmy Garropolo.

The two teams I think that will serve as the biggest competition are the Patriots and Colts. They have additional leverage over Washington as they are out of conference foes. However, Washington does not play in the same division as the Lions, so how much that will affect things is too tough to say.

I think the Washington Football Team has a good a chance as any team does. The fact that they do not have as high draft capital as others may hurt. Being an interconference foe may serve as an obstacle as well. Maybe Washington will have to overpay slightly.

If it comes to that though, it should not deter Washington. A quarterback like Stafford is worth it.