1. Reality Is, it’s a good thing the Bears won on Sunday.
This might feel like an odd place to start, but let’s be honest. If the Bears were coming to D.C. at 0-2, we all know the level of intensity they would generate would likely be way too much for this Redskins team to handle. As it is, the Bears might be riding a bit of a high from their last-second win last week, but I am confident their approach would have been more dangerous had they fallen to 0-2.
Teams with fringe Super Bowl aspirations certainly don’t take kindly to 0-3 starts, and it’s best to avoid desperate opponents when you’re as shaky as this Redskins team has been to start this season.
2. Reality Is, Trubisky is bad under pressure.
Check out these stats from on Mitchell Trubisky from Ron Jaworksi.
If the Redskins can manage to disrupt Trubisky’s rhythm, he has shown a tendency to struggle this season. And while the Redskins have not generated much pressure this year so far, they absolutely have the talent to generate pressure. Whether it’s a four-man rush or some sort of blitz, the Redskins must get home with their pass rush on Monday night.
My prediction? Trubisky is generally steady, but the Redskins pressure him just enough to force a couple key mistakes. One pick, one fumble.